Enthusiastic football coach!

Created by Tom 2 years ago

Alan taught both me and my brother at WHGS and is someone me, my brother and my dad all remember fondly.

He was also a much loved football coach and as well as many conversations about Bolton me and my dad also often recall a moment on a bitterly cold January morning when my dad took me to school for practice on a Saturday morning.

It was freezing and many of the pitches were frozen over. Only about 5 of us lads had turned up but Alan was there with the nets and a set of footballs. We got out of the car expecting to be told to go back home as it was too cold but Alan looked at us five lads and then the pitch and said 'nah, sod it, you're here, I'm here, it's enough for three a side and shooting drills.'

We did the practice with Alan joining in the 3-a-side match. It was a great moment and summed up his brilliant positive attitude as a teacher and coach. If I ever find myself faced with a frosty morning and some kids keen for a kickabout I'll remember his positive, can-do approach.
